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Furry life-hack: Per-con/per-event messenger folders

Posted on 2023-07-04

This is just to spread a small life-hack I came up with for furry conventions. I’ll probably post a couple more of those small life-hacks next couple days, if things go well. (Coming back from Anthrocon with some sorta con-crud so I’m a little dead. Probably kissed too many boys.)

When you’re at a con (or an event of any sort), in your messenger app (mine is Telegram), make a folder with everyone you know at that event, or any event chats you wanna follow.

This is how that looked for me at Anthrocon:

Telegram screenshot of
the configation

Then, when you’re in between things and are looking for people to join/stuff to do, just go through that folder.

Having all the people in one folder makes it way easier to remember “oh I wanted to meet person X”, or to just shower everyone in a “hi I’m free wanna hang out” message.

(And in Telegram, you can also put that folder to the top of the chat group list, which makes sense if you’re at a con - then you probably want to mostly chat with other people at the con anyway.)