Rai's ML mistakes, part 2 of ∞
Continuing my list of ML mistakes from last time, here’s:
Rai’s ML mistake #4: Too much autograd
So here I am, writing an agent for LunarLander-v2. I’m using Q-learning. I approximate q*(s,a) as q̂w(s,a) with a neural network, taking a vector representing the state, and outputting one approximate action value per output. The neural network is trained to minimize squared TD error on the policy the agent’s running, which is ε-greedy with respect to q̂: $$ \begin{align*} \require{extpfeil} \ell(w) &= \mathop{\mathbb{E}}\limits_{(S \xrightarrow{A} R,S') \sim \mathrm{greedy}(\mathrm{\hat{q}}_w)} \left[ \left(\mathrm{\hat{q}}_w(S, A) - (R + \gamma \max_{A'} \mathrm{\hat{q}}_w(S',A')) \right)^2 \right] \\ \text{output } &\arg\min_w \ell(w) \end{align*} $$
Not quite off-policy
One note about the “policity” of this method.
Tabular Q-learning without function approximation is off-policy - you learn about π* from experience (S→AR,S′) sampled from any (sane™) policy. You just keep updating q̂(S,A) towards R + γ ⋅ maxA′q̂(S′,A′), and to max is there because you want to learn about the optimal policy.
But note that in ℓ(w), the experience (S→AR,S′) is sampled from the policy greedy(q̂w). We need to expect over a policy, because we’re using function approximation, so presumably we cannot learn a w which would make q̂w exactly fit q*. So we have to pick out battles for how well do we approximate q* - we care about approximating it closely for states and actions actually visited by the estimation policy.
Instead of assuming that we can sample (S→AR,S′) from greedy(q̂w) (so that we can approximate the expected squared TD error over it), I guess you could use the general importance sampling recipe to get rid of that: $$\mathop{\mathbb{E}}_\limits{X\sim \pi}[\mathrm{f}(X)] = \mathop{\mathbb{E}}_\limits{X\sim b}\left[\mathrm{f}(X) \cdot \frac{\pi(X)}{b(X)}\right]$$
So, we want to minimize ℓ.
Note that ℓ depends on w (via q̂w) in 3 places:
- In q̂w(S,A), which we are trying to nudge to move to the right place,
- in R + γmaxA′q̂w(S′,A′), which is a sample from a distribution centered on qgreedy(q̂w)(S,A),
- and in the distribution we’re taking the expectation on.
In practice, we hold (2) and (3) constant, and in one optimization step, we wiggle w only to move q̂w(S,A) closer to targets. That means that in our gradient, we are ignoring the dependency of (2) and (3) on the w that we are optimizing, which makes this not a full gradient method, but instead a semi-gradient method.
Experience replay
My first shot at this agent just learned from 1 step (sampled from ε-greedy policy for q̂w) at a time. It worked in the sense that it ended up learning a policy close enough to “solving the environment”. (The environment says the “solved reward” is 200. I got maybe like 150-180 over 100 episodes, so not quite there, but it’s close enough for me to say “meh, I’ll wiggle a few hyperparameters and get there”.)
But to learn a fair policy, it took the agent about 10 000 episodes, and the per-episode total reward over time made a spiky ugly graph:
I don’t like that it takes all of 10 000 episodes, and I don’t like how spiky and ugly the chart is.
Experience replay means we store a bunch of experience (S→AR,S′)1, 2, … in a buffer, and instead of updating w by some gradient-based optimization method (I used ADAM) to minimize squared TD error one step at a time, we update it to minimize squared TD error over the whole buffer, a bunch of steps at a time.
Experience replay should make learning more sample-efficient (so it should need less than 10 000 episodes). Also, it should reduce one source of “spikiness and ugliness” in the chart, because the chart will be doing step updates on a larger batch. Making the batch larger should reduce the variance of the updates.
Broken code
So, here’s how I initially implemented one step of the update.
self.experience_{prestates, actions, rewards, poststates, done}
the experience buffer (S, A, R, S′ respectively for observed transition
S→AR, S′, plus flag to signal end of episode).
def q_update(self):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# \max_{A'} \hat{q}(S', A')
= tf.reduce_max(
best_next_action_value self.q_net(self.experience_poststates), axis=1)
# If episode ends after this step, the environment will only give us
# one step of reward and nothing more. Otherwise, the value of the next
# state S' is best_next_action_value.
= tf.where(
next_state_value self.experience_done,
best_next_action_value)= self.experience_rewards + self.discount_rate * next_state_value
# For all states S_i in the experience buffer, compute Q(S_i, *) for all
# actions.
= self.q_net(self.experience_prestates)
next_action_values # Select Q(S_i, A_i) where A_i corresponds to the recorded experience
# S_i --(A_i)--> R_i, S'_i, done_i.
= tf.stack(
indices range(self.experience_buffer_size), self.experience_actions),
axis= tf.gather_nd(next_action_values, indices)
= tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()(
values_of_selected_actions, targets)
= tape.gradient(loss, self.q_net.trainable_variables)
grad self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grad, self.q_net.trainable_variables))
What’s wrong here?
The symptom is that the policy is not improving. The total reward per episode is just oscillating.

The problem
Remember how I said it’s a semi-gradient method?
Here’s the fix:
def q_update(self):
# \max_{A'} \hat{q}(S', A')
= tf.reduce_max(
best_next_action_value self.q_net(self.experience_poststates), axis=1)
# If episode ends after this step, the environment will only give us
# one step of reward and nothing more. Otherwise, the value of the next
# state S' is best_next_action_value.
= tf.where(
next_state_value self.experience_done,
best_next_action_value)= self.experience_rewards + self.discount_rate * next_state_value
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# For all states S_i in the experience buffer, compute Q(S_i, *) for all
# actions.
= self.q_net(self.experience_prestates)
next_action_values # Select Q(S_i, A_i) where A_i corresponds to the recorded experience
# S_i --(A_i)--> R_i, S'_i, done_i.
= tf.stack(
indices range(self.experience_buffer_size), self.experience_actions),
axis= tf.gather_nd(next_action_values, indices)
= tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()(
values_of_selected_actions, targets)
= tape.gradient(loss, self.q_net.trainable_variables)
grad self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grad, self.q_net.trainable_variables))
So, what was the problem?
The code calls the Q network twice: once to compute the targets (R + γ ⋅ maxA′q̂w(S′,A′)), once to compute q̂w(S,A). Then, we will compute a loss, and we will take its partial “semi-derivative” with respect to w, and apply the gradient to bring q̂w(S,A) closer to the target.
The problem was: I also put the target computation into GradientTape
so the optimization was given the freedom to change not just
q̂w(S,A), but also q̂w(S′,A′).
So the fix was just to move computing the targets out of the GradientTape
I looked at this code basically non-stop for 2 hours, and I realized the error when I took a break and talked with a friend.

Pet peeve #47: math typesetting
The full list of previous 46 pet peeves will be provided on request, subject to a reasonable processing fee.
MathJax, \hat
and \mathrm
q̂ is a function (of w, S, A), not a variable, so it
shouldn’t be typeset in italic. I tried using \hat{\mathrm{q}}_w
. I believe
that works in LaTeX but turns out that MathJax is not willing to render it
($\hat{\mathrm{q}}$). But \mathrm{\hat{q}}
is perfectly fine:
q̂. But \mathrm{\hat{q}}_w
is perfectly fine:
MathJax and inline \xrightarrow
Also, my MathJax doesn’t seem to understand \xrightarrow
in inline equations.
That’s a shame, because S \xrightarrow{A} R, S'
is more readable than
S \rightarrow_A R, S'
(S→AR, S′), which I used here instead
(in inline equations). It looks like this:
$$S \xrightarrow{A} R, S'$$
Let me know if you know what’s up with those MathJax things.
I wonder if it’s MathJax being wrong, or me sucking at LaTeX.
Why I’m a math typesetting snob
Typesetting things that aren’t variables as if they were variables really bugs me, because it makes the formulas really ugly. And the font you use to typeset a math thing is a very useful hint for the reader about what sort of object it is. I learned a bit about it when volunteering as a KSP organizer - KSP is full of math snobs. Compare: $$ \begin{align*} \mathrm{Loss}(w) = \sum_i (\mathrm{f}(x_i) - y_i)^2 \\ Loss(w) = \sum_i (f(x_i) - y_i)^2 \end{align*}$$ In the second one, it takes a bit of processing to understand that Loss is not a multiplication (L ⋅ o ⋅ s ⋅ s), and that f(xi) is function application.
If you want to read more, you can take a look at Typographical conventions in mathematical formulae on Wikipedia. Or maybe some LaTeX / TeX books or reference material might have a lot of explanations, like “use this in these situations”. And also good math books often have a large table at the front which explains used conventions, like “w is a vector, X is a matrix, f is a function, …”

Now you know about ugly errors in math typesetting, and if you Google it,
also about bad kerning. You’re welcome, pass it along.